Go-To-Market Strategy

Segmentation, Access, and Entry

Challenge: A $3B global analytics and digital solutions company identified the healthcare segment as a high priority growth segment to serve with very little focus and pockets of success that were not yet scalable. TKC was retained to take a fresh look at market segments, potential value propositions, and opportunities to differentiate.


After interviewing internal stakeholders, current and prospective customers, TKC recommended a call point that was currently not being utilized and delivered a very focused narrative and pitch deck, which are now being rolled out across the commercial team.

Pricing, Market Scan, and Competitive Leads

Challenge: The self-insured employer segment of the leading provider of diagnostic information services was disrupted by the COVID-19 global pandemic. As employees transitioned to remote work, onsite wellness screenings were no longer viable. A strategy for at-home wellness screenings deployed at scale was required. To ensure an optimized product market fit, TKC designed and delivered a comprehensive analysis to guide the product development efforts. First, we conducted an at-home diagnostic landscape that included synthesized insights from 25 interviews of the top US self-insured employers, industry KOLs, and disruptors.


The company is now rolling out this strategy as a viable alternative to onsite screenings as they continue to serve the self-insured employer segment with a new competitor advantage.

Messaging, Value Proposition, and Brand Voice

Challenge: Revamp the overall messaging strategy and architecture of a veterinary medicine diagnostic insights provider to become more competitively differentiated with a more compelling value proposition. After completing a competitive analysis, two rounds of voice-of-market interviews with current and prospective customers, and aligning with internal stakeholders, TKC developed a messaging architecture and brought it to life with a new brand voice, creating examples of website deployments, advertising, social media, a conference booth, etc.


TKC’s reimagined messagings and brand strategy played an important part in the company enjoying its highest revenue performing year in company history.

You can't do things differently until you see things differently.